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Development Update: Never Easy

Good evening! Hope your life’s adventures are going well. We’ll be continuing where we left off last section from Ni’ala’s POV. As I iterated in my previous post’s introduction, this chapter is one I’m still not entirely satisfied with its pace nor the emotional payoff that Ni’ala has. But the groundwork is there, and I’m…

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Development Update: Work in Progress…

Greetings! Fair tidings to all who enter. You are most welcome. I apologize for the pause in the most recent postings; having a main day job search and job change has taken a lot out of me, but I’ll be resuming some more updates in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I know it’s been…

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Race Worldbuilding: Orcs

Introduction Orcs. Urks. Uruks. Greenskins. Whatever title you want to call them…they’re mean, they’re green, and they’re itchin’ for a fight! Whenever you think of the typical races that are introduced in a fantastical setting, there a couple standouts that usually come to mind. Bog-standard, boring Humans, typical gruff and mining Dwarves, disconnected and tree-dwelling…

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Character Profiles: Bree

Introduction Bree: Mysterious, elusive, uncertain…the power that was gifted to her…or cursed, depending on your point of view. In our own lives, sight is one of the few, yet arguably most important, ways we can take in the world around us. But what if that sight is taken away? How would you be able to…

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About Me

Hail, adventurer! You’ve approached the esteemed myth, the one they call… J.K. Denny. Welcome, pull up a stool, grab your finest ale, partake in sharing your grandest tale, and have a gander at the collection that will soon approach. For the End Times are nigh!

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